Seafood cocktail


Limes are used fresh for the making of alcoholic (gin and tonic, margarita, mojito and others) and soft drinks. It is dried, used in the manufacture of preserves and jams. In cooking, the widespread use of lime is explained by its refreshing sour taste and aroma – it is a frequent ingredient in sorbets and ice cream.

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The homeland of lime is India. On an industrial scale, lime trees and bushes began to be cultivated in the 70s of the XIX century. Currently, countries such as India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Cuba, Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, the Antilles, Egypt and West Africa are engaged in lime exports. Interestingly, lemon is nothing more than a hybrid of lime.

Salad, various meat, fish and poultry dishes are seasoned with lime juice. It is added to sauces, marinades. The addition of zest and lime pulp to desserts is popular.

Lime contributes to the process of digesting food, which is why it is so often added to “heavy” meat dishes. Fruit lowers blood cholesterol and improves vascular health. Lime, like lemon, increases the body’s resistance to colds and infectious diseases, improves immunity. In addition, this fruit is able to strengthen teeth and gums, preventing their bleeding and the development of caries.

Lime is widely used in aromatherapy (essential oil) and cosmetology (masks using lime juice are effective for oily skin – they whiten, tighten pores and heal).

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Cholesterol Free, Free of Saturated Fat, Free of Trans Fat, Protein, Sugar Free




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