Atlantic seabass


Onions help to improve the digestive system, normalize water-salt metabolism and increase the tone of the body and also have an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. As a result, onions should be consumed during an increased risk of catching a viral infection (usually autumn-winter-spring).

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The homeland of onions is South-West Asia, from where it gradually spread throughout Europe. At present, onions have become one of the most popular products. It is difficult to overestimate its importance in cooking. Onion is one of the main ingredients in all kinds of canned food, marinades, hot and cold dishes, sandwiches. In the Frutta Verde online store you will find a large assortment of onions, and fast home delivery will not take long!

In addition to a bright, rich taste, onions bring great benefits to our body, as they contain an extensive range of vitamins and macrocells. These are salts of potassium, calcium and sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, cobalt, manganese, copper, fluorine, zinc.

With vitamin deficiencies, which usually occur in the winter-spring period, it is strongly recommended to use onions. Moreover, it is possible to eat it not only raw but also in boiled form. Indeed, cooking onion retains almost all of its beneficial properties.

The content of vitamins in onions (per 100 g of edible part):

  • Vitamin B1 – 0.05mg
  • Vitamin B2 – 0.02mg
  • Vitamin – 0.20mg
  • Vitamin C – 10 mg

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